
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sublimed Sulfur for Growth

Hey All.

I finally got  a chance to get my hands on a camera to take the pictures of my Sulfur Mix.

I have been using that in combination with Hairdrenaline (Potion) once a week for 8 hours using GHE method, and I also have lazily been taking MSM 500mcg capsules as well. I say lazily because I rarely remember to actually take them.

My baldspots are making amazing progress, I will have to post pics later, probably sometime tomorrow I will post comparison pictures.

What got me interested in wanting and using Sublimed Sulfur was a challenge the had on BHP. It is now ending, but from there I learned that Sublimed Sulfur had the ability to promote growth, up to 1 inch in a month! So you know I had to give it a try!

I will however say that I did NOT follow instructions. I used a whole 2-4 (cannot remember which) in an 8oz bottle which is a definite no-no. Sulfur is potent and it definitely not one of those things that more=better. Too much can have adverse effects such as

Skin Irritation & Burning
Inflammation to Respiratory System if inhaled
Eye Irritation
Can cause a dry scalp if used too often

For more info on side effects, precautions, and other uses for Sublimed Sulfur click the links.

To an 8oz amount of oil, any but EVCO (Coconut Oil) because this oil can harbor bacteria, you use one heaping teaspoon of Sublimed Sulfur. That is how potent this stuff is.

To combat my issue. I mixed JBCO into my EVOO which turned out to be 24oz, and honestly I still do not feel that it is diluted enough because I have experienced a pulsating feeling on my scalp when I use it; so instead of sectioning and oiling as I usually would I use a quarter sized amount of oil, rub it in my hands, and massage it throughout my scalp.

I still have some Sulfur left in my applicator from the first "batch" (Lol) I do not keep up with it as I should. At best, I use it twice a week. I would like to use it 3-4 times a week.

I keep forgetting to take pictures of my bald spots, but I promise they will be up soon. MSM has Sulfur in it, so I am using it on my scalp, and ingesting it (Lol) on top of Hairdrenaline, so I cannot honestly say what is promoting the most growth, but I am on a mission to grow my baldspots back, because I am too tired of being style hindered!

Here is what the mix looks like

I have to shake it up before I use it, and it gets a yellow-green color.

Here is the rest of the sulfur in the applicator bottle

I suppose when I run out of the oil in the bottle, I will be using what is in the applicator bottle.

So that is my mix. Hope it helps any of you guys who were interested in using Sublimed Sulfur, or any of the other growth aid options I mentioned!


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