
Thursday, September 15, 2011

That's it, I'm claiming it!

Hey All!

I am not sure if you guys know, but my ultimate goal is to grow my hair out to WL stretched, so that would be MBL-ish unstretched. My short term goal for this year was to make it to APL by June of this year, but unfortunately I did not meet my goal. Hey, it happens. I continued on with my regimen, I do not let things like not meeting goals discourage me, it makes me want to try even harder!

I think I got a lot of growth from my hair being in braids during the summer, since it is a protective style, even with me not washing my hair. Which is something I totally do NOT advice. Don't believe that myth about hair growing on a dirty scalp. It does not, a clean scalp is best environment for growth.

I am part of a challenge; The Six Inches Challenge for 2011 over on BHP, and still my goal was to reach APL. We recently had another check in to do. So my growth comparison was from when I flat ironed my hair back in April.

Well I flat ironed my hair with my MAXIglide Xpress a couple of days ago.I did not blow dry before hand. My hair was in a Bantu Knot Out from the day before, and I really got the urge and I had an important interview to go on, and it worked out because of the check in. I did make sure to moisturize with my Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Reconstructerizer, and sprayed my Beyond the Zone heat protectant on each section before flat ironing.  Here is what my progress looks like.


Judging by the picture I think I made APL. So I really retained a lot of growth since then. My head is a teensy tilted, but even if it was not, I would be APL because I am a little over the armpit mark. I am ecstatic! I think Hairfinity has something to do with it. :)

Oh I am layered by the way, it is how my hair grows. Not everyone likes, wants, or has a blunt hair cut, and just because you do not have one does not take away from your length. I pay no attention to "Full" length titles, (Full SL, Full, APL, etc.) because I feel it limits you to having your hair look a certain way. It's like those who's hair grows in a V shape, or U shape. I actually like the V look and I think my hair has a natural V shape.

Getting to this length means a lot to me because I have not had hair this long since I was a kid (before relaxers), and I thought I would never get my hair to grow past CL for the longest time. With BHP and other forums for advice, tips, and learning new methods, along with educated myself on hair, and proper hair care, my hair is the healthiest it's been in years.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news with you guys! Now I'm on to my next short term goal; BSL. I will aim for June of 2012. We shall see!


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