Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Hey All!

I know I have not been on here in forever. Life has been super hectic lately. In the time since my last blog, I finished Cosmetology school (yay me!) and now I am a certified Bartender (go figure lol).

I know that this is a place of hair (Lol) but what I really would like to talk about is this year's Election. I know that everything is all said and done, and I hope all of you exercised your right as an American citizen, and cast your vote. I can proudly say that I am a Democrat, and if my President is elected again, I am excited to see how else he will improve our country. Though whomever is elected  ultimately shapes this entire nation for the next 4 years, and possibly whatever predecessor follows.

I hope all of you let your voice be heard!

....On another note, I am FINALLY taking out my second set of Yarn braids (this year), well in a week or two. I have to say, I am excited. I miss washing my hair. I will be updating on that as soon as possible; so stay tuned!


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