
My Regimen
Prepoo 1x a week-  I do this when I can remember to. I use oil and/or conditioners that I have on my shelf for cowashing. (Suave, VO5)

Wash 1x a week- Using whatever shampoo that is around. I have a preference towards Suave's Professional line lately. I clarify once a month using VO5 Herbal Escapes Clarifying Kiwi Lime.

Cowash 2-3x-I may not be using all of these, but these are the brands I use. VO5 Conditioners ( Herbal Escapes Free Me Freesia, Clarifying Kiwi Lime (on day I clarify) Tea Therapy Calming Chamomile, and Mositurizing Milks Strawberries and cream)

Cayenne Pepper Treatments 1-2x- A mixture consisting of Ground Cayenne Pepper, and Water. For a minimum of a two hours with a shower/plastic cap.

Deep Condition 1x- I am on the market for looking for a new moisturizing dc, as for protein, I want to try a hard protein like Aphogee, but we'll see. My light protein is ORS Replenishing Conditioner. For now I'll alternate between my light protein and moisturizing.

Moisturize/Seal 2-3x a week (after cowashing)- Is Homemade using Suave Naturals Tropical Coconut Conditioner, Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk, and Castor Oil.

Oil Scalp 4x a week (or whenever I remember)-  Using Lavender JBCO, with Africa's Best Ultimate Oil, and regular Castor Oil (Cold Processed, Cold Pressed).

I restyle my hair 2-3x a week, usually low manipulation, after cowashing (spraying leave in and oiling scalp)

I also do Protective Styling, such as Pony Tail's, Kinky Twists, and Individual/Box Braids (which I do myself).
I try to keep it as simple as possible, but having a regimen really does allow me to know what my hair needs during the week, and gives me an idea of how to schedule my day around it lol. I am still trying new products, and new styles, so my regimen changes accordingly.

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